Friday, August 31, 2007

Pork Hock Stew (Traditional French Canadian)

3 lbs pork hocks
2 cloves garlic (cut in spears)
1 T salt
¼ t each of ground cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg
¼ cup of drippings, fat or cooking oil
2 medium onions, chopped
¾ cup browned flower. (brown in hot over 350 – 400 in shallow cake pan, stirring frequently to desired darkness. The darker the flower, the stronger the gravy)

Day before serving:
If desired poke garlic sliver in each pork hock.
Mix salt, pepper, and spices and sprinkle hocks with mixture coating each thoroughly.
In a large pot, brown the hocks in fat.
Add chopped onion and water to cover.
Simmer covered for 2 – 3 hours until the meat is very tender.
Remove hocks and onions from stock,
Remove only the meat from the hocks, discarding, skin, bones and fat.
Return only the meat to the stock.
Refrigerate overnight.
Next day, remove all the fat from the top of stock and discard. You will be left with a very rich gelatinous stock.
Before serving, reheat the stock to simmer and thicken with burnt/browned flower.

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